Fri 27 May - unwrapping the boat, Besain, MicroGrid, HWS reset button

Since the weather was a bit better than yesterday, I decided to take the big step and unwrap the boat, while Rita had gone to Besain to visit Sarah and Albon. It took several hours, and some precarious manoeuvring around the edges of the boat, but at least it was now done. Once again the cover had done a great job in guarding the paintwork from the elements, and the paint job from 4 years ago was still looking good, especially when compared with the sections around the wheelhouse that were not protected by the cover.

While Rita was still away, I started doing some background work on the MicroGrid project that I have to get finished by the end of June. I was particularly pleased to find some news articles about a number of recent studies looking at lower network charges for using locally produced solar electricity via Local Use of Service (LUoS) charges, which could make the sharing of electricity within MicroGrids much more economically attractive.

As I was doing this, I got a message from Phil about the water heater, saying that I should check the red reset button at the top of the immersion heater element to see if it was engaged. So I carefully removed the cover and found the reset button, and found that it did indeed appear to be loose. I tightened it as much as I thought sensible, but it still made no difference. I was left hoping that the hot weather would arrive soon, so that the cold showers would be more attractive.