Tuesday 25 July - cool, 100% battery, SGP, train, concert, Avignonet, websiting

It was a cool, extra blanket night, but at least it gave us a good restful sleep. And when I woke, I saw something that I hadn’t seen for quite some time; a 100% battery charge! So, it looks like the fuse tripping problem might be solved.

As Rita practiced on the flute for her concert tonight in Moissac, I took the opportunity to watch a YouTube video of the Cardiff SGP from last weekend on the Vinci wifi system. Again, impressed by Jason Doyle’s grit and determination.

In the early afternoon, I walked with Rita as she rode to Avignonet station to catch the train to Moissac. Because there were few facilities to lock up a bike at the station, I agreed to walk to the station with her, then ride her bike home. The Moissac concert was for traditional French music, to which people danced the traditional dances. It was very successful.

Before I rode home from the station, I decided to take a ride around Avignonet, to see if it was as nice as Rita had said after her trip there yesterday. After riding/pushing the bike up the hill, I was rewarded with a very pretty old town, with the old church and many interesting gardens and statues.

Having reached the top of the hill, I continued out the road at the back of the town towards the wind turbines, and got an interesting juxtaposition between old and new. From the same spot on the road, I could see the old church in one direction, and turning 180 degrees I got a good view of the wind turbines, all living in harmony with each other.

After about an hour, I returned to the barge at Port Lauragais (it was a lot quicker going home than going to the station earlier, because it was downhill and I was on a bicycle!), and then spent the afternoon and evening working on this website. Each day takes about an hour to collate and crop the pictures, then write the text; but I enjoy doing it, especially later when I am able to read what we did in previous years (like now in 2020, when I am reconstructing the website with new software). It has also proved to be a valuable resource for remembering people and place names, and for documenting various procedures that we have undertaken.