Wednesday 31 August - good sleep, Terminal 1, fly to Singapore

After a good night's sleep, I awoke and checked out the airport operations from my bedroom window.

I dressed and headed off to take the Shuttle to Terminal 1 (not Terminal 2 as I had originally thought - this is just a reminder for me to look up next year in case I am flying back through CDG again).

Unlike last year, when the departure queues stretched for kilometres (it seemed), today we enjoyed very quick processing through customs and immigration. I managed to get a good sleep on the flight to Singapore, after I moved seats quickly after the doors shut and got a row of 4 seats to myself (no one else dared to move to the same row and spoil my night).

There was perfect transfer timing on arrival in Singapore, with just anough time to go to the land toilet before walking to the next departure lounge to board the flight to Melbourne. Luckily I didn’t want to buy anything Duty Free on this trip.