1-2 September - miss day, movies, Doug, pump, heater, AllOz team, bed

OK, last page for the blog this year, and I have combined two days into one, because I lost a day on the trip somewhere!

Since I had got a good sleep on the flight from Paris to Singapore, I watched movies all the way to Melbourne on this leg. We had very quick processing at Melbourne, with less than 30 minutes from getting off the plane to getting through baggage and customs, where I was met by Doug (who was not wearing any disguises this time). We were home by 8pm, where I found the water pump from the river running, and the office heater on! So I had plenty of water, and a nice warm office on arrival.

I watched the telecast of the announcement of the All-Australian AFL team, to make myself sleepy, then off to bed. The following morning I woke early, and realised one of the reasons why I like coming come to Taggerty.