Fri 24 Sep - sunny, Diamond Card, lake walk, lake lunch, port concert

We were now settling into the Port at Dijon, with Phil and Kathy on Effie as our only near neighbours. The view across the millpond waters on a sunny morning was very relaxing.

Having spent months of negotiation and communication with the Commonwealth Bank before I left Taggerty trying to get a Platinum Awards credit card, I then realised that the overseas travel insurance associated with that card only gave coverage for six months. However, in applying for my Carte des Sejour I realised that I needed a full 12 months coverage, which only comes with their top of the line Diamond Awards card. So I applied for that card a while ago, and today I got an email stating that my application had been successful (after supplying them with the same documentation as I used for the Platinum Card), and that I should receive the card within 10 working days. (UPDATE: as of 3rd December, I am still waiting to receive the card in the mail, after four emails to them seeking clarification of the situation!).

Around midday Rita and I again cycled to Lac Kir and had lunch at the lakeside cafe. We then succeeded in cycling completely around the lake (without getting distracted by the nearby canal) and returned to the port. In the evening, we listened to a rock band playing at the bar/cafe/concert venue just 50 metres upstream in the port.