Thurs 22 Aug - sunny, swim, Coussan, Steve and Jo, Marmande Night Market

The morning dawned sunny, so Rita took the opportunity to go for a morning swim at St Nicolas, while I did some work on this blog. Since we hadn't received the car insurance papers, Rita rang the insurance company and they agreed to send out a replacement set of papers. She prepared an express envelope for them to be sent to Sarah's when they arrive at La Maison. UPDATE: later in the day, I found the original papers that had been mailed in July, but they had stuck to the back of another envelope that was left for us by the renters. Doh!

In the afternoon, we drove to Phil and Terrie's house in Coussan. As we were enjoying a drink and a chat, we were joined by Steve and Jo Bridges, from Bargecraft Training School. They joined in the conversation, and we learned about their plans to buy a house in nearby Barbaste. Later in the afternoon, we drove down to the new beach in Coussan on the Garonne River. The water is plentiful, if cold, but the "beach" was very pebbly/rocky with no sand. Will be interesting to see how it is faring in a couple of years time after it has had a chance to settle down.

In the evening, we all went up to the Marmande Night Market (and hoped it was better than our aborted attempt a few years ago!). And indeed it was, with a new location in the centre of town near the Mairie, plenty of shade trees, a good band and some good food and drink vendors.

A good time, with lots of laughs, was had by all.

We stayed at Phil and Terrie's overnight, and had a great restful sleep in the quiet rural environment.