Sunday 14 Oct - sunny, very windy, reinforcing, flying swans, Rita, McFerrin

It was still sunny and windy when I woke today, so I did some reinforcing on the flytent and bimini by adding straps across the top of the flytent and some extra rope to hold the bimini down and prevent it lifting in the wind.

During the morning, I saw two flying swans exiting the marina. I don't think I have ever seen a flying swan before, and given their size I was somewhat surprised. Initially, I heard them rather than saw them, and it was only the sound of them running along the water, then the sound of their wing tips hitting the water, and then the squeaky sound of their wings flapping that grabbed my attention and made me look outside. I was too slow to get my camera, but the look of them as they gained altitude was quite majestic. I didn’t capture them on video but I borrowed this clip from YouTube to replicate pretty much what I saw.

I then returned to updating the blog for the rest of the day. In the evening, I walked down to the Capitainerie to meet Rita as she arrived by taxi from the rail station after her trip home from Bern. That evening, we spent quite a bit of time discussing Bobby McFerrin (who I had binge watched on YouTube over the past few days) and music therapy. I found it interesting that what I was watching for pleasure was very similar to what Rita was studying in her course in Dijon. One of his skills is finding music in the most unlikely places, and as we sat in the barge and listened to the wind outside, we realised that even the wind is musical!