Tuesday 12 July - Jackie to UK, departures, soldiers, Renault Rent, sunset

Today was a day to wind down and relax, in between the Festival last weekend and going to Switzerland next weekend. Given our absence over the next week or so, Jackie has taken the opportunity to go to the UK to visit some friends, and headed off this morning on the train to Toulouse Airport. Jackie was not the only departure, with more barges leaving the river, such as Acadia making her way into the double-lock up to the canal.

In a sign of the times, a troop of soldiers made their way along the quai this morning on a training exercise. We have seen lots of soldiers at airports and train stations, but this is the first lot we have seen in Moissac.

In the afternoon, we headed down to Castelsarassin to go to Renault Rent, from whom we are renting the camion to bring Franks’ old furniture back from Bern to Moissac. They were very pleasant and cooperative, and all looks ready to go. In the evening we took a walk along the canal to the aqueduct bridge over the Tarn, and met up with Don and Addie who were also out walking Annie. Don offered to give us a lift on Friday to pick up the rental truck, which will make things much simpler logistically. As we walked back over the footbridge at the first lock, I got some good sunset pictures, which are so characteristic of the Port of Moissac. I made sure I sent a copy of the one below to Kaz in Dominica, as a reminder of our sunset photo competitions in past years.