Friday 17 July - cooler, FOREX, DBA Entry Survey, battery charger, snowy roo

Last night’s thunder did have some beneficial effects, because today dawned much cooler than yesterday - phew!

Since Frank thinks his travelling days are behind him, he has been trying to exchange the US dollars he still has for Swiss Francs or Euros. However, the commission for such an exchange is exorbitant. So, since Rita may be going to the States next year to do a steelpan tuning course, and will need some US dollars, we decided to swap Frank’s US dollars for Euros (which he can use in Switzerland). That way he does not pay commission for selling the US dollars, and we don’t pay commission for buying the US dollars next year - a win-win situation.

Frank and Chanthea went for a visit to the Abbey and Cloister, while Rita went swimming at St Nicolas de la Grave. Meanwhile I was doing the data analysis and writing a report for the DBA New Members Entry Survey.

In the evening, Rita and I went down to the barge to charge the generator battery, but I couldn’t find my battery charger on board (I’m sure I have one!) and anyway we were waylayed by Stuart & Christine who were on-board Hilda May, next to Kanumbra. So we sat down for a chat and a few drinks. We were rewarded for our procrastination with another beautiful sunset over the Tarn.

After complaining about the hot weather over here, I was reminded that we may be having it not so bad after all, after seeing this photo of current weather conditions in Victoria. It’s not very often that you see such a "snowy roo”.