Monday 25 August - final practices, Ian&Lisette, Stuart&Christine, lymeing

On Monday, we held two more practice sessions, mainly for the benefit of Joe, who had still only played one gig with the band. While Joe was getting the hang of more of the songs, we also worked out a couple of ways in which he could do a drum solo in Netty Netty and Brazil. We look forward to hearing him play in concerts.

In the afternoon, Ian and Lisette MacAuley (friends of our good friend Kaye Coates) arrived in Moissac to do their barge training and ICC exams on Tuesday. While I was talking with them at Kanumbra, Stuart and Christine Barry (from Hilda May) arrived and joined in the conversation. They had come back from England for the Fetes de Plaisanciers next weekend, and also to do some filming for a documentary they are doing about the Garonne region.

In the evening, everyone was busy “lymeing" at the maison, where the flag was flying, making the most of their time off before the concerts begin in earnest tomorrow.