Monday 2 September - washing day, lost cat, Fish'n'Chips, Lauzerte contact

Monday is Washing Day - Iain commented that he couldn’t understand the flag message on our front deck!

Had a long Facebook conversation with Nico and Miyu about their arrival in France and the plans for the house renovations. The plans are starting to take shape. Spent the afternoon updating the website, and was then interrupted by a knock on the door from a lady across the canal who had lost her cat. We thought we had seen it this morning near Kanumbra and said we would look out for it. In the late afternoon, Rita cycled down to Castelsarassin to go to Intersport to look for an inflatable dinghy for the barge. While she was away I walked up to the bank to get some cash from the ATM, and on the way I saw the cat, which then hid under some bushes. When I came back from the bank, it was still there, so I came back to the barge to get Rita to phone the lady to tell her we had found the cat, while I went back to make sure it was still there. Just one minute before Rita and the lady arrived, the cat backed further into the bushes, and was never seen again!! No amount of coaxing by the lady could get Millie to reveal herself. We had no idea where she might have disappeared to. Maybe it was the wrong cat! So after a while we gave up and went across to the Fish’n’Chips night. We sat with two English couples who live in the Moissac area, and learnt a bit about how they had fitted in over the past 10 years. Towards the end of the night, Rita started talking about our band coming to France next year, and one of the guys promised to give us a good contact for arranging a concert in Lauzerte. So, despite not finding the cat, the evening was productive.