Thursday 21 June - more SFR negotiations, start of the Moissac concert season

Rita was still grading her exams from Monash Uni, so I filled in my time by washing the deck, filling the water tank, and fitting the new DBA pennant. I know that's not a lot to do, but I've got to practice slowing down and doing as little as possible. Rita went back to SFR with BIC and IBAN details, because she's the one who speaks French, and then found they needed an "offical" printed document containing this information. So she came back to the barge and we made up an "official" document with Westpac letterhead obtained from their website. We then went back to SFR to find we couldn't do direct debit anyway! But Mathieu found a way whereby SFR would email us an invoice and we could pay by credit card. We finally got the SIM cards and they seemed to work for phone and email/Internet.  Still trying to get them to work for the SFR wifi hotspots and for international calls - but at least we're now connected.

On the way back from town, we ran into a concert in the Abbey Square where kids were the performers. Couldn't resist snapping this little clown on his way home with mum and dad.

June is the time when the concert season starts in earnest in Moissac. During the day we checked out a number of the street performers, and that night we went to a free concert near the Abbey featuring a very interesting modern klezmer band.